Conversate Vs Converse Meaning Review

Conversate Vs Converse Meaning Review
converse vs Conversate Akileos from

The Difference Between Conversate and Converse

Language is constantly evolving, and new words and phrases are introduced into our vocabulary regularly. One such example is the word “conversate,” which has gained popularity in recent years. However, many people are confused about its usage and whether it is a valid word. In this article, we will explore the meaning of conversate and compare it to the more commonly used word “converse.”


The word “conversate” is often used interchangeably with “converse,” but it is not officially recognized as a standard English word. It is considered nonstandard or informal. The term has its origins in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and is derived from the word “conversation.” While it is widely used in informal settings and certain dialects, it is not widely accepted in formal writing or professional contexts.


“Converse,” on the other hand, is a well-established word in the English language. It means to engage in conversation or to communicate with someone. It has a long history and is accepted in both formal and informal settings. It is the preferred term in academic, professional, and standard English usage.

Usage and Context

When considering the usage of “conversate” versus “converse,” it is important to note the context. As mentioned earlier, “conversate” is primarily used in informal settings or specific dialects. It may be more common in certain regions or communities, but it is not widely accepted in formal or professional contexts.

Using “converse” is generally preferred in formal writing, academic papers, job applications, and professional communications. It is considered the correct and standard term to use in these contexts. However, it is essential to be aware of the audience and adjust your language accordingly.


1. Is “conversate” a real word?

No, “conversate” is not considered a standard English word. It is a nonstandard or informal term derived from African American Vernacular English.

2. Can I use “conversate” in formal writing?

It is generally recommended to avoid using “conversate” in formal writing. Stick to the accepted and standard term “converse” in these contexts.

3. Are there any situations where “conversate” is acceptable?

“Conversate” is more commonly used in informal settings or specific dialects. If you are in a casual conversation or writing informally, you can use “conversate,” but be aware that it may not be accepted in all contexts.

4. Why is “conversate” used if it’s not a real word?

Language is constantly evolving, and new words or variations of existing words emerge over time. “Conversate” gained popularity in certain communities and informal settings, leading to its usage.

5. What should I use: “conversate” or “converse”?

It is recommended to use “converse” in most situations, especially in formal or professional contexts. “Conversate” is acceptable in informal settings, but be aware that it is not widely recognized as a standard English word.

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